AutoDrive Route network for the NF-March 4-fold V1.0.0.0

AutoDrive Route network for the NF-March 4-fold V1.0.0.0

There are two variants
– without starting yard
– with starting yard (here the silo, the fuel tank and parking spaces for the open halls are retracted)

The following has been retracted:
– all fields incl. catch lines
– all roads and field paths as well as all associated crossroads and junctions including right of way rules
Due to structural conditions, it is not possible to turn in all possible directions at some crossroads and junctions.
turn in all possible directions
– Shopping & sales outlets, vehicle dealers and petrol stations
– Approach points for all timber transport, deadwood and stone missions
– Folder structure with 170 target points

Recommended settings
– Turning speed 70%
– Field exit Nearest
– Collision height above ground 1.5m
– I would limit the speed of the truck to 60km/h

Map: NF-Marsch 4-fach

Author: Holger-70

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