3 dvory V1.5.0.0

3 dvory V1.5.0.0

A map according to my imagination. Try and have fun. Updates will come over time. The necessary mods are in the map zip. P.S. it’s my first map. And I’m not a professional

Tapered and repainted field roads.
Repaired smaller details along the road.
Added a sign of the name of the village
Added blockade to, the edge of the map
Correct Main Farm and some buy lne land (small)
After the new are 4 forests much denser than originally 1 large forest and 3 small
The entrances to the field roads are pointed
Added service from the possibility of painting vehicles in the shop area with machines.
Remodeled pigs and sheep
Vinohrady because of 90 degrees and added 2 covers in the vineyard
NOVA NOVA Saved Game

Thank you also Pavel Vícha ZDPAVA for help from the terrain and the main farm. And many other things.

Author: srobik

About FS25 mods:

If you play Farming Simulator 25, it's time to understand how mods work with the game. Farming Simulator 25 Mods is an extra file or content to change your basic game version. If you want more tractors and harvesters or need any farming tools in the game, FS25 mods are the best choice. So, mods allow you to change gameplay and customize the Farming Simulator 25 game. There are many different types of Farming Simulator 25 mods that will make your gameplay easier or increase your income to grow and build your farm, and you decide what kind of FS25 Mod to install. Read the mod installation instructions and description above before use. We are the largest FS25 mods community to share mods for the PC.

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