Biomass heating plant V1.1.0.0

Biomass heating plant V1.1.0.0

The Landbauer BHW (biomass heating power plant) is a small thermal power plant for district heating and electricity extraction. It can be built on any farm or construction area to process wood chips, silage and straw, in a loose form or as a bale. The energy generated is fed into the village’s own network and thus brings you a financial profit. The Landbauer BHW is available in three different versions, as 250, 500 and 500x version. They differ in the purchase price, the layer volume and the production speed (profit).

The 500x version has a higher storage capacity compared to the 500 version at slightly higher maintenance costs, which ensures a longer operating time. In addition, there is an Imetos 3.3 weather monitoring system for Imetos 3.3 improvement in the local weather forecast on the BHW building of Pessl Instruments GmbH.

Landbauer BHW 250
Purchase price: € 119,000
Entreatment costs: € 50 per day
Operating costs: € 19.92 per day
Production gain: 4.003 € per day
Storage capacities: Hackschnitzel 25,000 L / silage 25,000 l / straw 50,000 l
Shop category: building / production / factories

Landbauer BHW 500
Purchase price: € 149,000
Entertainment costs: € 75 per day
Operating costs: € 24.96 per day
Production gain: € 5,760 per day
Storage capacities: Hackschnitzel 50,000 L / silage 50,000 l / straw 75,000 l
Shop category: building / production / factories

Landbauer BHW 500X
Purchase price: € 179,000
In terms of maintenance: € 100 per day
Operating costs: € 24.96 per day
Production gain: € 5,760 per day
Storage capacities: Hackschnitzel 150,000 L / silage 150,000 l / straw 375,000 l
Shop category: other / building / factories

Moddes version increased
Adjustments to the agricultural simulator 25 Update (Testrunner_public_0_9_4)

Author: Landbauer

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