FrechDachs Map 4x v1.1.0.1

FrechDachs Map 4x v1.1.0.1

Fictitious 4x map with 200 fields and enough forests for every budding forester.

– Superfluous items removed
– terrain warning removed
– LOD lights adjusted
– collectible adjusted to Landhandel, Raiffeisen and Gas Station
– T-junction field 58 sign incorrectfeld 58 schild falsch

Here I provide you with my fictitious 4x map for playing on.
I already started creating it in the 22 series. Even before I was finished with it, the LS25 came out and I immediately set to work incorporating the innovations into my map.
This turned into an almost complete rebuild of the map. So the map is completely up to LS25 standard.
It has everything a farmer and forester among you need.

Key data:
– 200 fields including 18 meadows
– 27 forest areas with approx. 38424 trees
– 5 open spaces for building
– A small starting farm is located on open space 230
– 18 sales outlets
– 7 purchase points
– Free water at Raiffeisen, Landhandel and at the animal trade
– 50x paintable ground texture

The 5 open spaces invite you to build on them. A little earthwork is necessary here.
No purchasable production is installed on the map. However, productions can be placed freely by anyone.
Meadow was used for the decoration. This can be painted in the building menu itself and displayed on the map (PDA).

– 28x paintable floor textures added
– Lidl car customized
– Installed snow mask on the street
– Slurry/manure shop installed
– Raiffeisen manure sale fixed
– Road collision removed
– Road marker installed
– Collectibles installed
– 1MW BGA installed

No new savegame required for the update

Author: FrechDachs93

About FS25 mods:

If you play Farming Simulator 25, it's time to understand how mods work with the game. Farming Simulator 25 Mods is an extra file or content to change your basic game version. If you want more tractors and harvesters or need any farming tools in the game, FS25 mods are the best choice. So, mods allow you to change gameplay and customize the Farming Simulator 25 game. There are many different types of Farming Simulator 25 mods that will make your gameplay easier or increase your income to grow and build your farm, and you decide what kind of FS25 Mod to install. Read the mod installation instructions and description above before use. We are the largest FS25 mods community to share mods for the PC.

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