Krone BigM450 with configurations v1.0.0.0

Krone BigM450 with configurations v1.0.0.0
Krone BigM450 with color options, tire and rotating beacon configurations, and a configurable tow bar.
This is the Krone BigM450 with additional configurations.
I’ve slightly redesigned the Krone BigM450. In addition to a tire configuration, it now has various color options.
A rotating beacon configuration is now available. To make the decals better match the different colors, I’ve created a configuration for it. In addition to the standard color, you can choose between red and black decals.
To make it possible to attach a baler or loader wagon to the BigM450, I’ve added a tow bar configuration. The dynamic hoses and the PTO connect when the tractor is coupled.
A big thank you goes to the team for their support and to the testers.