Route network for the savegame MEGA-Farm NF-Marsch 4-fach v1.1.0.0

Route network for the savegame MEGA-Farm NF-Marsch 4-fach v1.1.0.0
Route network for the MEGA-Farm NF-Marsch 4-fold savegame
The plug-in network is for the MEGA-Farm savegame for the NF-Marsch 4-fold
The basis for the route network is the network I created for
The North Frisian Marsh 4-fold with ditches
In addition, the following was created for the MEGA-Farm savegame:
All silos and purchasing silos on the farm
All productions on the farm grounds
105 parking spaces (divided into 4 folders depending on the hall size)
BGA and 3x bunker silo (separate folder for each silo)
Two cowsheds
Sheepshed Deich 161
Currently available productions
Have fun playing