Giants Engine 10 — What’s New in The Farming Simulator 25 Engine?

Giants Engine 10 — What’s New in The Farming Simulator 25 Engine?
Each release of Farming Simulator also comes with an updated engine, which brings improvements, new features, and various changes that shape the new way the game looks and plays. GIANTS Software, the developer behind the game series, has revealed some information about the latest engine, Giants Engine 10. In this article, we will look at the changes and see what you should expect once the game releases this November.
What’s new and improved in Giants Engine 10?
The latest game engine has several different features now—let’s break down each of the company’s announcements about Farmcon 24 and other events and releases.
Changes in graphics:
- Improved fog: Fog will no longer be one evenly distributed mass. It’s going to be a lot more realistic, with changes in density depending on the locations, weather conditions, and time of day. This will not only add to the realism but also make for very picturesque scenes, with heavy fog covering the water and contrasting with lighter fog descending on the fields.
- Realistic shadows: More realistic shadows will be more contextually aware of the light sources. Cloud coverage and reflections will be considered, making the shadows more dynamic. Soft and screen-space shadows will help make them more blurred and realistic, add detail, and reduce unrealistic shadow artifacts. Long story short, all the changes are being made to create realistic shadows.
- Multiple source lighting: Light comes from just about everything. Street lamps, headlights, other additional lamps, and even vehicle light reflections will all affect the game. For instance, even through heavy fog, you can guide yourself using vehicle lights and street lamps. It’s a realistic approach – and a nice addition to the game.
- Better rain effects: Rain is an integral part of this game, and now its effects are much more fleshed out. The objects will be more affected by the rain in terms of looks and features. The splashes from raindrops are also included, and you can see the raindrops bouncing off your equipment.
- Detailed virtual textures: With up to 1 million pixels, terrain textures can now be incredibly detailed. The virtual texture technology allows for this while improving rendering speeds and reducing the strain on your memory.
Changes in physics:
- Improved movements: Vehicles and other objects in the game move much more realistically and work much better with their environment. An improved library of animations will help create significantly more accurate interactions.
- Beautiful fog visuals: Fog is now calculated together with sunlight, and the two create realistic light effects, just like the ones you see in real life. Namely, the “God rays,” which are the Sun shining through the fog.
- Dynamic water simulation: Water won’t just “be there” anymore. Now, you get realistic waves and moving water interacting with the vehicles.
Changes in terrain:
- Better resolution and detail: The terrain height change resolution has been increased to 1 meter, making the maps more accurate and offering significantly more detail. Displacement mapping for various small details and real-time map displacement are also included.
- Realistic terrain deformation: Now, the roads and the fields respond directly to what you do on them. Vehicle tracks are genuine, and the damage done to the ground will differ depending on your machinery and the weather conditions.
Other changes:
- Accurate looks and colors with calibration: GIANTS have scanned the colors and textures of actual real-life machinery. This means the in-game vehicles should have improved color and appearance, making them closer to reality.
- Clear coat simulation: The game now has a clear coat texture, which should make the materials look closer to the real versions.
- Realistic trees: Plenty of extra detail has been added to how the trees grow and look. Not only will they be more varied and realistic, but they should also look significantly better from a distance and have much better shadow rendering.
These are just a few things that await us on Giants Engine 10, which will power the latest Farming Simulator 25 game. We hope that this long list of changes will expand even more as the game release date approaches and that the final result will show some great improvements compared to the previous game.